We will take you from where you are now to where you want (& need) to be - professionally, efficiently & always empathetically

Changing Seasons Consultancy offers a wide array of services, many of which are interlinking and form part of the majority of our contracts to date.

However, each service can be stand-alone as separate entities; we are extremely versatile and use our past-experiences to assist our clients in every way to ensure that they experience the outcomes they desire.

Downsizing & Lifestyle Management Retirement Community Analysis & Advisory
Decluttering & Professional Organisation
Packing/Relocation & Unpacking
Deceased Estate & Nursing Home Clearances


[dvmd_table_maker tbl_stripes_active=”on” tbl_hover_active=”horz” tbl_tcell_cell_align_horz=”center” _builder_version=”4.24.2″ _module_preset=”default” width=”70%” module_alignment=”center” global_colors_info=”{}”][dvmd_table_maker_item col_content=”Downsizing and Lifestyle Management” col_column_max_width=”0.5fr” col_column_min_width=”41px” _builder_version=”4.24.2″ _module_preset=”default” global_colors_info=”{}”][/dvmd_table_maker_item][dvmd_table_maker_item col_content=”Retirement Community Analysis and Advisory
Decluttering and Professional Organisation
Packing, Relocation and Unpacking
Deceased Estate and Nursing Home Clearances” _builder_version=”4.24.2″ _module_preset=”default” global_colors_info=”{}”][/dvmd_table_maker_item][/dvmd_table_maker]
Readying & Presenting Homes for Sale Decluttering & Professional Organisation
Project Management of Maintenance & Upgrades
Staging & Styling of Home


  • lCurrent Homes for Sale

    Stand-alone Service

Melody and Shae were absolutely amazing in helping me sort out 33 years of memories at my mothers house which settles on Monday.
Despite only being booked for two days, when they arrived, they realised it was a much bigger job than expected so after two full days along with Michael to sort out my fatner’s tools and workshop and the heavy lifting and Sue who would be posting items for sale, they changed their schedule to fit in another two days which included the Saturday, so that everything was cleared with a week to spare before the contract settled.
It was such an emotional experience, however, with Melody and Shae’s help, I was surprised at how quickly I was able to make better decisions about what to keep, donate or sell.
Having everything packed and labelled, storage units and removalists organised, all the rubbish taken away in a skip, and not having to think about where to sell items removed a huge burden from me and the rest of the family.
Thank you from the bottom of my heart.

Angela di Marco


Call Melody on 0499 199 189 for a free telephone consultation, or book an appointment to arrange an in-home visit

Servicing the Sunshine Coast, Moreton Bay & North Brisbane regions